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The "gastroteca.cat" is a web portal for the promotion and the dissemination of Catalan Cuisine, local products and ecogastronomic tourism, providing a channel for interactive and dynamic link to the serves of professionals and consumers of these sectors.

The origen of the term "Gastroteca" is based on the Greek etymological root of the term "gastro", which refers to food and "Theka", which means the action to deposit file; so it's meaning is "Food Deposit File". Historically both terms have been adapted to many modern languages, providing that Gastroteca can easily be recognized and identified with a project framed in the field of gastronomy and food products. Moreover, there is the peculiarity that the Catalan term "Teak" has the meaning of eating, which also refers to food.

The term "Environmental Gastronomy Tourism" is part of the "Slow Food", which values and promotes products in their environment (ecosystem) on a public that it's increasingly large that travels to know, experience and taste,... the product in its place of origen. Creating synergies between product gastronomy and territory.


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